Laboratory Design

We offer to set up practices for all their laboratory needs: including embryology, andrology, and endocrinology laboratory equipments. We have the ability to set centers doing < 100 cycles/year to centers performing > 4000 cycles/year. We will help you negotiate the best prices and the most state of the art equipment for your center. We firmaly believe in obtaining the latest and best technology available. Such an investment pays handsome dividends in terms of success and further expansion. It is critical to have the right team of embryologists, andrologists, and technicians available to make the best use of the latest technologies.

The embryology Laboratory is clearly the most important non-clinical part of a succssful Fertility practice. It starts with air quality and ends with the media used. A successful Laboratory needs to handle growing embryos to the blastocyst stage without stressing the embryos. This requires stringent criteria and meticulous equipment handling (such as the right incubators, right Ph, and minimal handling of the growing embryos). We have extensive experience with BT over the past 6 years, and our sister program, Virginia Center for Reproductive Medicine, uses BT in > 75% of their IVF cycles.

The andrology Laboratory can be easily equipped with the most modern hoods and stations. And there are many endocrinology analyzers with short turn over time for quick analysis of in house hormonal measurements, which is a must in any successful fertility Center.